Who we work for
Estates DirectorS
Backlog liabilities, financial health challenges and rising student expectations represent a perfect storm. In this climate, senior teams increasingly need to trust their estate teams and heed their advice. Not least because the lead-times for estates developments inevitably lag well behind the pace at which decisions can be taken within a normal academic cycle. The estates professionals’ views are increasingly critical to institutional success.
Our work has been instrumental in strengthening the links between academic and estates planning
Our support helps estates teams to extend their influence and improve their relationships with a wide range of stakeholders.
Estates Strategy
We’ve been developing Estate Strategies for more than a decade.
Integrated Master Planning
A master plan casts a long shadow, effective briefing drives long-term value and underpins successful implementation
Project Planning & Briefing
We support clients during the vital scoping, modelling and briefing processes at the front-end of projects.
Space Optimisation
Our innovative tools and techniques have saved our clients as much as 8% of their floor area.
Timetable & Teaching Space Planning
Our work has been described as powerful and profound. Our cross-functional approach is the key to managing constraints and improving utilisation
Case study
Luton College
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry