academic Estates

In a dynamic market, the estate has renewed significance as a source of competitive advantage. In future, the competitive estate will be the best aligned with academic strategy and a sustainable estate will inevitably be a smaller estate.  We specialise in integrating academic strategies with estates planning.

“It’s impossible to have a good strategy poorly executed. That’s because execution actually is strategy – trying to separate the two only leads to confusion.”
Roger Martin

A four-fold challenge faces Estates Teams:

Assimilating and anticipating student needs and expectations

Engaging with academic staff to integrate evolving pedagogic and research practice with modern functionally suitable facilities

Reducing the backlog maintenance burden and achieving effective improvements from revenue spending on planned, reactive and lifecycle maintenance programmes

Managing capital projects with sufficient speed to keep pace with expectations and developments          

The greatest challenges lie in realism throughout the Strategy process – how many times do strategies come to grief because ambition is not balanced against affordability and deliverability

How many projects fail to deliver on their promise and need value engineering?

Ultimately, estate performance is driven by linking estate planning to academic and corporate planning processes so that:

Every project, regardless of size or scale, has an academic (or other strategic) imperative

Every pound invested has a tangible impact on the student or staff experience

Every opportunity is taken to leverage scarce resources and do more with less

Conceptually, we see the fundamental link between strategic planning and estate planning as being mediated by the amount and type of space to be provided. This approach is vital to:

Establish a coherent, affordable project brief

Evaluate alternative options and develop a clear business case

Define cost information and investment appraisal

Consider phasing, programming and the impact of major project milestones on operational activities – particularly those relating to the experience of students and staff


Our services are configured and designed to respond to specific requirements. Our guiding principle is to design solutions in close collaboration with our clients. Services include:

Estates strategy development, project management and process

Strategic planning, modelling and briefing services designed to link capital projects with academic strategy to build commitment for investment and change

Client-side project management and support for internal processes from option appraisal through to implementation

Case study

Luton College

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

View Case Study

CPB Projects have played a significant role in helping us to review the current position and to formulate a way forward in respect of the revised Estate Strategy. This was presented to the University’s Council and received overwhelming support. This is in no small way due to the hard work you put in to guide the members through the proposals.

Ian Callaghan
Chief Resource Officer and University Secretary. UEA

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