CPB Projects

The Integrated Planning Consultancy

Helping higher education institutions sharpen their competitive edge


Key Services

At CPB Projects, we have carefully targeted services,
tailored to match your responsibilities…

Integrated Solutions to Seemingly Intractable Problems

We love higher education and our work is increasingly recognised as being innovative and highly effective in helping universities sharpen their competitive edge in an increasingly challenging and dynamic market.  

It can prove challenging to balance student/staff satisfaction, financial health and adequate levels of estate investment.  It is especially challenging to establish this balance while also attempting to reach zero carbon.  

The challenge of zero carbon is inextricably bound up with achieving more efficient use of our buildings and in doing more with less.  Fully integrated and rational solutions are the only ones which can meet these challenges in the time available.

Our work has been instrumental in shaping Estates Strategies and Master Plans and our insights have saved many of our clients a good deal of time, effort, capital, and energy in resolving seemingly intractable problems in the domains of space management and timetabling.

Our methods recognise that integrated planning is increasingly a critical success factor. We understand the higher education sector exceptionally well and our collaborative approach works at the deep structure of the most difficult resource allocation problems.

Working with us, our clients are able to address these problems in a cross-functional manner and engage the wider academic community with key strategic challenges, drive performance improvement and achieve transformational change.

Our purpose is to make every one of our clients more competitive and to strengthen the sector one project at a time.  We do this by focusing on driving value from every activity/assignment/task/project and answering the critically important but few strategic questions first.  

The biggest challenges lie in the full extent of demands/needs and the budget constraints both capital and carbon within which they must be met. The lesson of the last 20 years is that more of the same is not sustainable and that more radical approaches are needed.


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Our experts understand the challenges faced by the different factions within HE institutions and have a knack of finding sustainable solutions that work.

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Our experts understand the challenges faced by the different factions within HE institutions and have a knack of finding sustainable solutions that work.

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Training/ Teaching Facilities

Our experts understand the challenges faced by the different factions within HE institutions and have a knack of finding sustainable solutions that work.

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Bryan Thomas and his team have advised the University over several years and have been instrumental in helping us to save space, time and other resources. They work in close partnership with us and our academic colleagues to tackle complex issues in a rigorous way.

Alan Charters
Director of Capital Projects, Aston University

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Oxford University

At CPB Projects, we love helping management teams develop sustainable strategic solutions.

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CPB Projects

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