Teaching space analysis model – TSAR

The Teaching Space Analysis Model (TSAR™) is a powerful tool to help timetablers and space managers explore and manage constraints. Efficient scheduling and improved utilisation of space starts with TSAR.

Conventional utilisation surveys identify the problem but modelling with TSAR provides actionable intelligence

TSAR is designed to evaluate the technical detail of changes to teaching space needs alongside the demands of the current timetable. It helps:

Combine room, timetable, student numbers and utilisation data to create meaningful management information regarding general purpose teaching and learning spaces

Adjust current room configurations to better fit desired teaching patterns and activities

Model future room requirements and determine whether improvements in utilisation are possible

TSAR analyses the full range of timetable data to provide insightful management information

Pressure points and peak loads often drive demands for more space but TSAR analyses have been instrumental in showing that constraints which artificially create the peak demand for space can be designed out through more effective curriculum planning and improved timetabling policy and practice. Such analysis also demonstrates that mistakenly adding space will not solve the problem but actually make it worse.  

TSAR analyses the full range of timetable data to provide insightful management information.

Pressure points and peak loads often drive demands for more space but TSAR analyses have been instrumental in showing that constraints which artificially create the peak demand for space can be designed out through more effective curriculum planning and improved timetabling policy and practice.   Such also demonstrates that mistakenly adding space will not solve the problem but actually make it worse (blog – “why adding space to resolve a capacity pressure is doubly inefficient”

TSAR™ helps to explain the effect of constraints within the timetable, and how those constraints restrict the efficient use of space.

TSAR™ is sensitive to changes within student numbers, the inclusion or exclusion of specific rooms, the profile of the curriculum, and the effectiveness of the timetabling process.

TSAR™ provides insightful management information to identify how capacity is being eroded and efficient utilisation is undermined. This information focuses discussion onto viable and effective solutions. The results have real impact on the curriculum and timetable, and inform future space management decision-making.

Case study

Luton College

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

View Case Study

The TSAR analysis and the insights from the work CPB Projects carried out was powerful and profound. It has enabled Solent to reform its approach to planning space use and to drive towards tangible improvement in our curriculum and the estate which supports it. I am happy to talk to any current or potential future clients

Andy Riggs FCA MBA BSc
(Former) Chief Finance Officer, Solent University

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